Cari EUROAVIANI, è un piacere per me spiegarvi il nostro ultimo scambio culturale. Dal 20 al 25 aprile 2015 l’AS Napoli ha ospitato quattro EUROAVIANS tedeschi. Uno scambio culturale è un momento che dà la possibilità di condividere usanze, abitudini, esperienze e idee ma anche emozioni, divertimento e bei momenti da ricordare e non da ultimo […]
Due anni dopo torna alle origini la sua missione “Volare” sulla ISS, il Maggiore dell’Aeronautica Militare Luca Parmitano. L’astronauta italiano dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA) ha tenuto una conferenza sulla “Dimensione Spaziale” presso l’Accademia Aeronautica di Pozzuoli, Napoli il 13 maggio 2015. L’emozione nei giorni successivi all’annuncio che sarebbe stato a Napoli come ospite per un incontro […]
The new BY has just begun and you know that the most important moment for a LB is the schedule of its activities and projects for the upcoming year. Here, in Naples, the election of the new board took place on 29th June 2015. Since then, all of us are working hard and strong so […]
At the Royal Theater of San Carlo in Naples, one of the most important opera house of the world, the last stage of the Post-flight Tour of “Futura” Space Mission took place with the first female Italian Astronaut Cap. Samantha Cristoforetti. The event happened with the participation of the most influential and political representatives in […]
The XXIX edition of “Futuro Remoto”, an Italian event about technology, science and scientific culture took place from 15th to 18th October 2015, in a beautiful place in the heart of Naples, Plebiscito Square. Among the initiatives of the festival, there was a conference at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples on Saturday, […]
Since one of the main task of EA is to promote the aerospace and aeronautic culture both at local and international level, the Local Group of Naples decided to join a network of aerospace association to make aware its members of the future work environment and the current technology innovation in field of our interest. […]
Being aerospace engineering students, we think that beyond our technical training, there is a need of some more material and practical. This is the reason why the President of EUROAVIA Napoli “Umberto Nobile” conceived , in collaboration with Engineer Francesco Giancotti, ENGAV: Engineering and Aviation Project. Engineer Giancotti is a licensed private pilot of general […]
On 20th December 2013, the 68th Session of UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015). During 2015, in every country there were some events about “light”, such as “What is photonic”, Energy, Economic Impact, Lighting the Built Environment and “Connecting the world”. On 12nd December 2015, at […]
At the beginning of the new year, EUROAVIA Napoli rolled out a series of initiatives and events which will be gladly protracted in the upcoming months. A special opportunity gave rise to a joyful atmosphere among students and professors, since it is going to be celebrated the 25th constituion anniversary. Indeed, EUROAVIA Napoli was founded […]
Everyone knows that Build the Wings of Your Future is EA representative motto. What should we have to do in order to put into practice our basic mindset? How we can offer something that could be attractive and enhancing for the next generation? EUROAVIA Napoli is focusing on some kind of activities which are going […]