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Being aerospace engineering students, we think that beyond our technical training, there is a need of some more material and practical. This is the reason why the President of EUROAVIA Napoli “Umberto Nobile” conceived , in collaboration with Engineer Francesco Giancotti, ENGAV: Engineering and Aviation Project.

Engineer Giancotti is a licensed private pilot of general aviation at Sky-Services Flight Academy in Naples. SKY is a privately-owned company. “The main difference between SKY and the competition in Italy is that SKY operates their own facilities, aircraft, staff and equipment. This means that customers profit from a high quality service to fewer costs, because SKY does not use third parties to provide the services”, Clemente de Rosa, MD and Founder.

ENGAV started in October and already 3 meetings took place with our members. At the end of the project, they will riceive a certificate of attendance. Aim of ENGAV is to provide an overview of the pilotage: 

from the briefing on ground to take off! Pilot Giancotti used not only slides during meeting, but he showed some instruments that a pilot uses in a routine flight, such as nautical charts, to give the opportunity to our members to learn how to mark a route flight. Since no courses are set in our University about aviation, this is a great opportunity to come close the aviation and flight environments.

Furthermore, SkyServices Flight Academy became EUROAVIA Napoli sponsor in the last weeks. This will support our members to have special discount for flight 

courses. In fact, EUROAVIA Napoli “Umberto Nobile” and Sky Services have common interests in promoting the european cooperation in the aerospace filed by providing learning and formation activities for the benefit of mankind, through education and outreach.

We hope that, thanks to this 360 degrees training, we can become the best engineers that who know not only a plane from mathematical point of view but also from that one of a pilot and maybe, on day, take a patent!

Alessandra Schiavone, AS Napoli Former Treasurer

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